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Optional with high-quality oil or creme

Treat your body and mind to a break and relax with a soothing full-body massage. The focus is on the legs, arms, hands and back. The massage can have a positive effect on muscle relaxation and blood circulation, promote the free flow of energy in the body and lead to more balance. You can choose between an oil or cream treatment. With cream, the wellness massage is a little bit stronger. ​ 



1 hour 79 Euros

90 minutes 99 Euros

package price: 5 x 60 minutes 350 Euro


Fußreflexzonenmassage: Service
Die 6 heilenden Laute.png

Die 6 heilenden Laute

30-minütige taoistische Meditation nach Meister Mantak Chia zur Transformation von negativen Emotionen.

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