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Pure relaxation!

Let yourself be pampered with a soothing foot massage!

The foot massage is based on the principles of Asian reflexology. Through targeted massage of the feet and gentle pressure on the respective points, impulses are sent via energetic pathways to the respective organs and body areas and can influence them positively. A foot massage can relax tired feet and legs, revitalize the body and contribute to general well-being.



1 hour 79 Euros, 90 minutes 99 Euros, 

Package price: 5 x 60 minutes 350 Euros

Abdominal & footmassage combination - 2 hours: 135 Euro

Fußreflexzonenmassage: Service
Die 6 heilenden Laute.png

Die 6 heilenden Laute

30-minütige taoistische Meditation nach Meister Mantak Chia zur Transformation von negativen Emotionen.

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