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Links & Inspirations

Master Mantak Chia - Universal Healing Tao

Qi Gong master and founder of the Universal Healing Tao, a system for health, vitality and the development of spiritual awareness.

Lucky Verlag

Spiritual heart-publishing house for people who want to develop themselves further. Holistic methods for health and well-being, personal development and self-knowledge.

PANTARay - Movies*

A great alternative to Netflix and Co. with many great movies about healing, spirituality, personal development and much more.


Effective audio programs that strengthen mental abilities, expand consciousness

and thus have a positive impact on life.

Subliminals - Energetic Eternity*

Program your subconscious mind and change beliefs with positive suggestions in areas such as health, love, fitness, finances, spirituality or even weight loss.

* The products marked with a star are affiliate links of products that I use myself, that I like and therefore gladly recommend.

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